Mankato MN | Charles Sehe, WWII Veteran awarded France’s highest distinction


On September 30th, 2020 in Mankato, MN, WWII Veteran Charles Sehe, was presented France’s highest distinction, the French Legion of Honor, by Consul General Guillaume Lacroix.

During the war, Dr. Sehe served on board the USS Nevada BB-36, U.S. Navy’s longest-serving battleships, dubbed the ’unsinkable battleship’.

Dr. Sehe, a Fire Controlman, participated in major campaigns, Pearl Harbor (1941), the Battle of Hattu (Alaska, 1943), Operation Neptune/D-Day Landing at Utah Beach, the Southern France Landing and the Battle of Toulon (1944), as well as Iwo Jima and Okinawa (1945).

After the war, Dr. Sehe served on the Biology faculty at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, University of Cincinnati, North Central College in Naperville IL, and for more than 20 years at Minnesota State University, Mankato.

JPEGFrance tells WWII vet Charles Sehe, ’Merci’
By Mark Fischenich, Mankato Free - Sep 30, 2020


PNGFrench consul general to award medal to World War II vet
By Edie Schmierbach - Mankato Free Press - Sep 20, 2020

Last modified on 05/11/2020

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